The Acupressure fitness and foot mats are based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and utilise acupressure points which is a natural alternate medicine technique. Foot reflexology works on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and their referral areas within zone related areas, which correspond to every part and organ of the body.
The pressure on these points is thought to help relieve tension, improve circulation, promote natural wellbeing and function of the body. mat useful for the treatment of sciatica, leg pain, cramps, heel pain, knee pain, piles, migraine, sinus, insomnia. Its relieve your stress.
In other words acupressure is considered a self healing therapy that has been used in Chinese medicine for many hundreds of years. This magnetic acupressure pad has 20 magnet pressure points covering all vital points of the feet. It offers gentle stimulation to all the important areas on the feet. No side effects. Easy-to-use, one size fits all.
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